W. Bruce Cameron: A Dog's Purpose

W. Bruce Cameron takes you on a journey of many lifetimes where things learned in the past help with each new life to be lived:
Toby is a mutt, born in the woods, he must learn to survive by following his mother's teachings, and teach him will. Toby will learn many skills not only from his mother but other dogs and human he meets along the way all in the search of his purpose. When he finds it, he wants to make sure that he always gets back there no matter what.
This book is a super cute read and I highly recommend it not only if you are a dog/animal lover, but need a feel goo read. I have not read too many books from an animals point of view, but I have to say that I really enjoyed it. It is kind of nice to have a non human point of view, however, Cameron has a good balance of Toby's voice and adding in additional human details that I would assume a dog would not notice or think about. I think that Cameron was smart to add these details, of have Toby over hear conversations that he may not understand but it allows the reader to get to know the world that Toby is living in better, and allows for a break from the canine observations
I really enjoyed the idea of reincarnation within this book as it was interesting seeing the different lives that Toby takes and the skills he learns along the way. We should all be so lucky to be able to carry this type of learning experience with us. It was also interesting that he was not stuck to a single gender along the way and I think that Cameron is trying to show it is the soul of the dog that matters most.
This book was cute read and will make you laugh and cry throughout especially if you are animal lovers. I have just realized that this is only the first book in a series, so I look forward to seeing where the second book leads. I also know this book has been turned in to a movie so I'm going to have to watch it as well.