Ilona Andrews: Magic Binds

Magic Binds -  Ilona Andrews

This is the ninth book in the series and in order to enjoy the characters you need the background of the previous eight books to enjoy this one; Magic Bites, Magic Burns, Magic Strikes, Magic Bleeds, Magic Slays, Magic Rises, Magic Breaks and Magic Shifts. (I was reading this series before I started blogging so I do not have reviews for all of the books).

Ilona Andrews is back with the next Kate Daniels book and if you thought you had family problems, Kate and Curran have you beat in spades:

Kate and Curran are taking their relationship to the next level and that means trying to make it on their own outside of the Pack. The have set up their business and are trying to get to the alter but Kate's father, Roland, is up to know good, as usual. He has Kidnapped demigod Saiman and is slowly bleeding him dry of all his power. Kate may not like Saiman that much but he is from her City and knows that she has to rescue him. Late needs help, but the only one that could help her is long dead, Kate and Curran's future, and the future of Atlanta looks grim but Kate is never one to let the long odds against her stand in her way.

This is one of my favourite urban fantasy series it is one that I started reading about 10 years ago now (wow just dated myself there) and have continued to read and look forward to the next book each time. While Andrews has a formula that they like to follow there is creativity in the story and the foes that Kate faces in each book that I really appreciate. Additionally, I like the connectivity within this book to past event, adversaries and events this is what truly made it interesting to me (Sorry I do not want to say more as I think it gives part of the plot away). It is also nice to see that nine books later that Andrews has not lost the ability to combine darkness and light, seriousness and humour throughout the books.

It is great to see the progression of Kate and Curran's relationship from the first book till now. i have always appreciated that Andrews took their relationship slowly and did not have them jump in to anything or fall instantly in love. This makes their relationship so much stronger and although Curran still tries to control Kate when he can, Kate very much does not let this happen.

I love that Kate as changed, adapted and grown as a character throughout this series. Andrews has let Kate experience many of the the normal (well as normal as they can be in this series) life events that it makes is easy to relate to her as a character and want to be her as well.

This is the second to last book in the series and to say I am excited for the final book in this series is an understatement. Although I will be sad to see the series end, I appreciate that Andrews has realized that this series cannot go on forever and that her characters have grown so much throughout the series as well. If you have not tried this series yet and love Urban Fantasy you need to pick up the first book now, you will not be disappointed.


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