Katherine Center: Things You Save in a Fire

Katherine Center show what it takes to learn what is truly important in one's life:
As one of the only female firefighters in a Texas firehouse she's seen her fair share of emergencies and each time she rises to the occasion. She is amazing at helping people through their own emergencies but her own personal life is a mess. So when her estranged mother calls her and asks her to come live with her for a bit as she is having problems with her vision, it is a request that she never expected. Cassie ends up transferring to an old school Boston firehouse that has never had a female member before and they make it known that they do not think that a "lady" can do the job. Cassie is trying to keep the career under control but nothing in her new firehouse is under her control.
This is pretty far from what I normally read, but I made the resolution this year to try and read some books our of my usual genres, so I decided to try this contemporary romance novel that I kept seeing so many posts about.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book, it was an interesting look into a fire hall dynamics and the differences between a large city and small town as well as being a women in these environments. I will admit there cliches here about how Cassie is treated, but I feel like these events are occurring in these situations even if we want to believe things have changed. Center knows what she is writing about in this book as she had her husband to consult who is a fir fighter, and would know the dynamics that do occur within a fire house. This also being a fire house (I actually think this is my first firehouse based book...) you get to follow them on some of the calls that they make from the ridiculous (Honestly the reason some people call 911 is quite funny) to the extreme fires that change people forever.
The farther I read into the book the more I became attached to Cassie as a character and everything that she had gone and was going through. Cassie is such a strong character that has relied on herself for such a long time that she does not know how to rely on others. This makes her an amazing firefighter as she puts others' needs above her own all the time but this means that she does struggle to make friends and have relationships. It was interesting to watch her change and grow throughout the book.
Now the relationship aspect in this book is funny. Most of the book is spent with Cassie trying to hide and make sure that she does not have feelings for the Rookie as this is an extreme No Go in firefighter culture. But the more that she tried to avoid him the more she falls for him. It was an extremely cute relationship to see develop but you knew how things were basically going to go.
I really enjoyed this book and and Center had me hooked the further I read. I really enjoyed the firehouse aspect and how things would become a bit more fast pace when a call was involved. This is a great contemporary read with a side of romance and I highly recommend it for those who like these genres.